Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Gossip columnists, bloggers coerce Bass out of closet

Even if you've never heard of boy band *NSync, you've by now heard of the group's former bass singer, Lance Bass.

Bass, a native of Laurel, Miss., revealed Thursday to People magazine that he is gay. It wasn't a big surprise to gossip blogger Perez Hilton, who has made it his personal mission to "out" Bass.

Over the last few months, Hilton has hammered out stories about Bass and his boyfriend, "Amazing Race" season four winner Reichen Lemkuhl. Apparently Bass and Lemkuhl, who is openly gay, were spotted at different events wearing each other's shirts.

That, in gossip blogger-land, is apparently convincing evidence.

More stories followed about clubgoers seeing the couple in a gay bar in Provincetown, Mass.

Pretty soon the mainstream media picked up on the brewing speculation. For many longtime *NSync fans and celebrity watchers, Bass' revelation was a "well, duh" moment. But, as with most stories coming out of Hollywood, Bass had his reasons to come forward. (Remember when Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey announced their breakup the night before Thanksgiving just to spite celebrity journalists?)

Bass knew his story was about to move beyond the pages of perezhilton.com in a big way.

He told People: "The main reason I wanted to speak my mind was that (the rumors) were really starting to affect my daily life. Now it feels like it's on my terms. I'm at peace with my family, my friends, myself and God, so there's really nothing else I worry about."

But Hilton's mission, and that of gay and lesbian newspaper the Washington Blade, doesn't stop with Bass. They're out to "out" others, such Star Wars' Hayden Christensen, "Brokeback Mountain's" Jake Gyllenhaal, "American Idol" runner-up Clay Aiken, singer Ricky Martin and even actor Matthew McConaughey.

"I know there is some controversy about outing people, but I also believe the only way we're gonna have change is with visibility," Hilton told entertainment television show Access Hollywood. "And if I have to drag some people screaming out of the closet, then I will."

Hilton says celebrities who live an "openly closeted" lifestyle and deny their homosexuality publicly perpetuate the idea that an actor or singer cannot be successful and gay at the same time. And that, whether out of shame or a simple business decision, makes it more acceptable for the public to be intolerant toward gays.

While that is a noble sentiment, it's a course of action at least one gay and lesbian rights association disagrees with.

Damon Romine, entertainment and media director of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, has stated that coming out is a personal decision and not something that should be speculated upon by the media.

If Bass truly wanted to be left alone, he should not have shown up at the clubs or engaged in what one columnist Chris Rovzar called "man sharing."

It's a terrible way to live, but it's both a celebrity's blessing and curse.

U.S. free speech laws make it difficult to prove defamation in the case of both public officials and celebrities. Being "public" is part of how they make a living. If Bass were a low-key college student, surely the outcome would be different.

And frankly, I love reading about my favorite celebrities. Without speculation, gossip would almost cease to be.

Yet I have to question Hilton's motivations. He says his crusade is to further gay rights, and that is great. But I seriously doubt that the outing of a few high-profile celebrities will single-handedly stop hate crimes and discrimination against gays. His energy and zeal would be better put to use speaking out against these things and making political statements.

After all, what good are celebrities to a cause if they refuse publicly to identify with it?

We've got Brad Pitt advocating for environmentally-sound rebuilding in New Orleans, Angelina Jolie advocating for orphans in Third World countries and Perez Hilton advocating for Tom Cruise to come out of the closet.

Which one would make more of a difference in the world?


Alissa said...

"Which one would make more of a difference in the world?"

Fantastic question, Renee! My own personal opinion as to who will make a difference in the world? The meek will.

Those who give from their hearts, no matter how great or small, and expect nothing in return. No movie sales, no multi-platinum albums, no huge press conferences.

Many people from Anytown, USA give from there hearts, and we don't even know their names. But celebrities will mostly give, on the condition they have ample amount of screen time and press coverage. Ask their managers - they will tell you the same thing. It's part of the business. I have no doubt Pitt, Jolie, Cruise care very much about their causes. But I doubt we would see them as often as we do if they didn't have a movie to promote. It's part of the dance.

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute, Matthew McConaughey is gay? Damn it! The gays get all the hot ones!!

The Daily Star said...

As far as Matthew McConaughey... I think Perez Hilton is just indulging in some wishful thinking!! ;)

Alissa said...

Renee -----> As far as Matthew McConaughey... I think Perez Hilton is just indulging in some wishful thinking!! ;)

Aaaahahaha! How about Keanu?

The Daily Star said...

I don't know about Keanu... I think he's more unlucky with women than gay... Then again he is 42 and still single!

Anonymous said...

But then again, why get married when you are in Hollywood...those marriages never last. Keanu is a smart 42 year old that isn't going to give half to some Hollywood bimbo that didn't earn it.
Then again, if his career starts to stall, you never know who he might end up with - man or woman -