Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Blogging Britney

As you all know by now, our hometown girl extraordinaire, Britney Spears, has filed for divorce from her husband of just over two years, Kevin Federline.

And sources as credible as People magazine say Spears visited in Kentwood earlier this week.

This plot has more twists and turns than a game of Chutes and Ladders, with Federline apparently plotting to sell a sex tape of he and Spears in an attempt to weasel out of the pair's supposed iron-clad prenuptial agreement. (Boy must he feel dumb for agreeing to sign that.)

And to top it all off, Spears seems to be staging a comeback.

Will this somewhat-postive (in my opinion) Britney news turn out to be too good to be true? What do you think of her comeback? Can she regain her superstar status? Does Britney, like Times Picayune columnist Chris Rose said in his column last week, put the "ho" back in Tangipahoa?

Tak, discuss, mingle.


Alissa said...


Yes ~ she can ABSOLUTELY stage this comeback, if that's what we can call it since she never "really" went away. I'll be the first parent to tell you that when Britney went from "Pop Art" to "Pop Tart" on MTV and her strip tease, just about every parent who was watching with their children cheering on the hometown girl suddenly went flushed, and embarrased for the poor girl.

I don't know who gives the advice for young performers that if they want to make more money - then strip and create controversy. The fact is, yes, they do make more money. For a short while. But it's a flash in the pan compared to the downward spiral that is certain to come. While Ms. Spears has certainly chosen to take the path that she has these last few years all by her lonesome (and possibly the ignorant advice of managers?), I honestly think that if SHE sets her own boundaries, SHE will make the comeback.

Our world isn't what it used to be 20 years ago when Madonna first started her career, and it appears that many have given Ms. Spears advice of following in the material girls footsteps. It simply can't be done. Those days are gone, they are not coming back. Madonna herself cannot have a child, let alone adopt one, without it being perceived as a publicity stunt.

Britney has talent, no one has ever denied that that I am aware of. But the only place having a career that is based strictly on controversy and not talent has, is for the butt of late night jokes and a million little weblogs. I think Britney is better than that.

No.... scratch that. I know she is.

Alissa said...

Oh, oh .... and another thing. About FedEx? Any adult could have told poor Britney this was bound to happen. I knew a few fellas back in my day who were the epitome of FedEx. And then I grew up.

But FedEx's never do. Which is why you absolutely, positively have to ship them out overnight. I'm happy she didn't waste another moment. (Doin' the cabbage patch) Go Britney! Go Britney! It's your birthday!

The Daily Star said...

Hahaha... that's right... ship em out. That's all FedEx is good for!

(It's really a shame that whenever I see a FedEx truck now I think of this Kevin loser... )

Alissa said...

I wouldn't be surprised in the least if FedEx actually went to the real Federal Express and offer to be their spokesperson. HA! When their done laughing at him, Federal Express can kindly say No thenk yew.

And then go back to laughing.

Anonymous said...

I'm not real crazy about Britney Spears. I think she's made most of her money by being controversial, not because she can sing. I think she does those stunts for publicity. She can't be that stupid, can she? Getting married to someone for 55 hours brought a ton of publicity, then marrying that "thing" that she took from another woman that had a child and one on the way just brought her more publicity, although it was bad publicity. Then she had to get pregnant by him. I can see how that could happen and maybe they wanted a child together, but come on. Having one child with him is bad enough but she had to go and do it twice. The children will be the ones suffering and now she'll never be free of the man until they are 18. And now that she's has her body back she's running around all over the place skimply clad with her boobs stuck in everyones face. What kind of message is she sending out there? Of course she is going to be the brunt of jokes. She has made it what it is.

Plus, she is a mother of two now. She needs to stop and think about them. Stop disgracing herself!

Can she come back? I think she's hit her peek. I'm thinking she'll do something else to get negative attention. She really can't go too long with out it. She needs to realize that these up and coming stars can and will take her place. You can only go up so far before you come down. This is my opinion!!

Alissa said...

But we love the underdog! We love to see the comeback kid! And much to Britney's chagrin I'm sure, this is exactly what she's become. I'm all for the cleaned up, toned, taking care of her kids Britney, hopefully making music once again that her fans can take seriosuly. Not just a video made to look like porn. No surprise how quickly she fell though, even before FedEx. Her music was fluff, and her videos disposable. Remember the saying "Why by the cow when you can get the milk for free"? There's a ton of websites in the world that do the same thing - 'cept their name isn't Britney Spears. She needs to make a NAME for herself again - the image she has portrayed has been rode hard and hung out to dry.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you alissa. It's a shame she had to succumb to the Hollywood sex symbol image, especially at a young age. Her first mistake was being contradictory. She would say one thing and do another. It kept fans heads awhirl. First she was staying a virgin, then not, then she portrayed this innocent little girl image at the same time she was dancing provacatively in a school girl outfit. She always seemed to be the opposite of what she said she would be. But I guess that's what sells music. I've read blogs about her on the internet and the general concensus is she is considered white trailer trash from the backwoods of Louisiana. Of course there are some that love her but still it bothers me that her behavior has made us look bad.

Alissa said...

Yep, yep, yep. I'm sure no one from the Spears camp likes to hear this much, but Britney and stagemom have been the butt of jokes for a long time. And not in a controversial good way. I watched a great documentary a while back - one on child stars and the parents who push them into the business. Anyway - president and founder of "A Minor Consideration" (Jerry Mathers? From "Father knows best) used Britney as an example of how clueless parents are when going into showbusiness, and the damage they end up doing to their own kids. He used teen Britney's HMBOMT video with the whole schoolgirls thing - while Mom cheers her on saying it was aaalll Britney's idea. Hhhmmmmm. Showbiz or not - there's a real problem with perception when a parent encourages their child to look like a Lolita and leave nothing to the imagination of a million child predators everywhere.

But it made them some money, right? Riiiiiight.

Anonymous said...

Just saw some pictures on a site where Britney is at a resteraunt, they said in Kentwood. One site said it was Osyka, Miss. Had her oldest baby was with her. There was a picture of her smoking and downing a few drinks. From the pictures she looked a litte depressed. But I guess divorce will do that to you no matter who it was your married too. Glad she finally kicked Fed Ex to the curb. What was she thinking anyway?

And yes, this has made that family money and lots of it. But at who's expense? Wonder what Kentwood people think of her?

Anonymous said...

lynn spears could not care less what kentwood thinks of her or anybody else

Anonymous said...

Ms Allemand - You've finally done it now. You're picking from the bottom of the barrel. I noticed your blog was down for a time yesterday and thought (it was a hope really) that with this last post, you had finally succeeded in sufficiently embarrasing the adults at your paper that they had no choice but to take action. But I see that's not the case.

Oh well...

This is my last post to your blog, ever! I promise!! I've decided that action is the better part of valor and I've started my own blog. It's at Come over some time. I have a feeling that when you're not writing for the paper, you actually have interesting things to say.

Until then. To quote Kierkegaard: "Lord give us weak eyes for things of no account, and eyes of full clarity for all your truth".

Oh yeah, I forgot this :)

The Daily Star said...

Oh well, someone specifically asked me to post something about Britney in the previous post, so I did. I was planning on writing about it anyway.

I got 12 topics from you asking me to write about them. If I ever have a comment on them, I will. But did you want me to post anything specifically that you want to start a discussion on?

And believe me if my higher ups thought I embarassed The Daily Star with my writing I wouldn't be writing in the first place.

Anonymous said...

to notevenwrong: you come all the way her to say this

'This is my last post to your blog, ever! I promise!! I've decided that action is the better part of valor and I've started my own blog. It's at '

and that website does not exist. i tried. get it together man but you are never comin back here so oh well. thereas a reason why miss renee works for the daily star to be writing AND YOU DONT.

Anonymous said...

notevenwrong........not even wrong......hhhhhmmmmmmmmm! This handle tells a lot about you. Even if someone did post on your blog we would be wrong because your not even wrong. Sounds like you are a very controlling person. And now that you didn't get your way you're are going to the garden to eat worms. You sound very immature for someone that uses big words, perfect grammar and quotes. Not going to post again, ever, I promise! Please keep your promise and don't come back. Renee, please don't let people bully you. You're doing a great job!!

Anonymous said...

'"' ""'""" ;.$$$$$$$$""......'"""'
.......................... ;$$:

He likes this site !

The Blogger! said...

Let me paraphrase what notevenwrong is trying to say...I'm taking my toys and I'm going home and I'm not gonna play with you no more..LOL

Anonymous said...

notevenwrong should use nice manners to ask for what she/he wants instead of demanding it. You get more with honey. Now, having said that....nanana poo poo. Go to your blog that doesn't even work and sit there. Maybe somebody will talk to you later. Then again, maybe not!

Alissa said...

Maybe "Notevenwrong" is really KEVIN FEDERLINE, trying to lead us off topic and sway our attention elsewhere from the blog of the week that is HE.

Bahahahaha! Woooohoooo! Hehehehehe!

It would make sense seeing as how the guy/girl would come here for one last "statement" - just to give a bogus web address that is not even a blog....Bahahahaha! Woooohoooo! Hehehehehe!

If Notevenwrong really isn't FedEx, they are pretty dam close it seems - which speaks volumes. Pride (and bling! bling!) goeth before the fall .... snicker, snicker.

Anonymous said...


Look at it. It's actually not bad. But it will probably make you mad!

Anonymous said...

Agree or Disagree, He/She can write. Ouch!
I wouldn't worry about it Renee, I think he/she was just using your blog to get to the Star.

Alissa said...

"I wouldn't worry about it Renee, I think he/she was just using your blog to get to the Star.

Ditto. Kids do that. And sometimes when they post, they do so just for the sake of posting their own web link, not that there was anything worthwhile to contribute. I've been working on the web for nearly a decade now, so it's nothing new. But it was funny that she misspelled her own url.

Anonymous said...

Alissa's right. That was a classic. Can't we go back to blogging Britney

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't worry too much. You can bet not too many people will blog on that site. It is of my understanding that people only go on blogs for light stuff, not all this heavy duty crap that that person wants to write about. If I want to be depressed, I'll go to CNN. :)

Anonymous said...

What is he/she trying to do? It shouldn't be creating a blog to make The Star look back. Isn't there legal implications to that?

The Daily Star said...

He just doesn't like The Star's editorial page and some of our hard news coverage. And that's cool. but complaining about it to me on my blog columns isn't doing very much good because I don't have a say about what goes in the paper everyday or even in this blog besides my own writing... that's for the managing editor to decide.

I only post my entertainment columns here.

I hope you enjoy them... and remember if you have something specific you want to ask the public on the blog go ahead and post it!

And there's nothing we can do legally... free speech and all. ;)

Alissa said...

"I hope you enjoy them... and remember if you have something specific you want to ask the public on the blog go ahead and post it!"

Welp, here's one idea I think the area can debate their opinions on in the future - morally, socially, as well as the entertianment world. A couple of years back, Bravo television produced a show called "Showbiz Moms and Dads", And without taking up a world of space in detail, lets just say the publics reaction to the show was less than stellar. From those parents who put their babies into pageants, and those who are against it every which way and sideways. With Louisiana having fairs and pageants nearly each weekend during the spring - so many beuty pageants and casting calls in the area for movies and what not; American Idol contestants and movie extras, I would love to know what our hometown feels about these pageants, and movies, and showbiz, both pro and con. Although right now may not be the time for such a column, since movies and festival pageants are usually done in the spring and summer. It's just something to keep in mind. Would love to know more about the phenomenon that is pageantry, and showbiz kids. Plus - it might get a few names in the paper, that makes for a good resume' :-).

Off topic, but I wouldn't worry about whatsher/hisnames blog submitted here with the misspelling in the web address. I finally took the tme to type the url CORRECTLY seeing as how the webmaster could not, and skimmed over the page. All I saw was a bunch of narcisistic, patronizing views on the city of Hammond, the Daily Star, and a whole mess of "0 comments" left. Looks like someone did rip her/him a new one. I'm not surprised. Misery loves company - so I guess thats the target audience he/she is looking for. In any case, I wish him or her well regardless. It's got to be lonely feeling so angry all of the time :-(((.

Anonymous said...

I can't get to the other blog, even with spelling corrections. I wish I could, I bet it is great. It seems to be offline altogether. I think one essential problem at this blog is that one, the name blah, blah blog is only used to name what seems like a hundred thousand blogs so the lack of originality says quite a lot about the execution of a blog for the daily star.

The Daily Star, which fancies itself a prestigious publication, appears to be attempting to test the waters of technology - finally, but it is painfully obvious this is not their field. It is also obvious that they hired the writer without really knowing how much they knew about
technology. Saying "I know how to create a blogspot" probably sounded like serious tech talk to the power-that-be at the paper.
They just aren't on top of their job on this one and who can blame them seeing as how they don't even host their site locally or
in their own office and have been paying out good money for a long time to a remote service when they didn't really need to. Despite this lack of knowledge or ability on their part, they forge ahead, confident they are doing something great, when in fact it shows their ignorance. This is especially easy to attack when you are aware that the paper considers itself so elite. The emperor has no clothes, so to speak.

I am sure the person writing this blog is a nice young person and her writing is not terrible so lets not slam her for this. However, the daily star has always been proud of their sometime mediocre writing and choice of topics.Occasionally they blatantly attempt to choose sides instead of reporting, as in the case
of publicly stating that they don't cover events where political candidates are speaking lest they give one an unfair advantage, while running "clean city contest" photos
full of the their favorite candidates signs.

Therefore, I am not surprised that the daily star would hire someone, name them a special projects editor, and then turn them loose to create a free blog spot to write endlessly about Brittany Spears. I am not even shocked that they would run such items above the fold. Remember, this is the paper that used to run exclusively, a certain cadre of extra-liberal writers barely disguised as letters to the editor.
In fact, most of the region took them for columnists to the point where the daily star had to start making disclaimers that the writers were most definitely NOT columnists.
I would imagine this was to deflect the ever louder complaints of the more middle of the road part of the community.(Most of Hammond, outside the paper and university comprise that middle section called "the rest of us.")

As for the blogger's sidekick, I really have been working on the Net for a decade. Since 1997, to be exact. Really working, like getting a paycheck to pay my bills and live working A publication like the daily star SHOULD be hosting their own paper, blog and other technology on their own domain. It does look unprofessional for a business entity to create free spaces for their online offerings. Would you shop online at a store that didn't even have it's own URL? Real businesses buy their domains and invest in the technology they need to be cutting edge.

As for Brittany, you obviuosly some sort of peripheral freind of hers. In case you missed it she isn't that talented.

I am more concerned about zoning and the new porn warehouse coming to Hammond and things like that, rather than what poor uneducated Brittany is doing every day. I would guess you aren't old enough to own a home yet in this parish or you would not be concerned about Brittany. A blog about her aimed at this community is only going
to elicit a lot of cutting comments and such a blog has very little value.

Renee, unfortuantly, the paper has thrown you to the wolves. I know you don't think that comments about the quality of the paper should be directed at you on your blog. However, have you stopped to ask why there are so many such comments here?

The Daily Star said...

I don't really have time to write a whole response here as I am putting together a special section because a deadline is coming up.

But I am thinking I should take anonymous commenting off the blog. I'm not saying you or anyone else don't have the right to criticize The Daily Star. Criticism is something everyone in the media has to contend with.

I just think it would do you and me a lot more good if you would write to the editor or the publisher with your comments.

You can complain to me all you want about the quality of the newspaper but that will be all you're accomplishing.

And yes I am 23 years old, and there is no way I could own a home at this point in my life, and I don't know why that's an issue. I don't cover government or crime; therefore I do not write about those things. I am primarily a designer and feature writer.

And just for the record, I did not create the blog. I know how to write basic HTML, design and manage Web sites but I am by no means a computer whiz, nor should I have to be. There are too many other things going on for me to do the Web with no technological help.

When we have our site redesigned, we will most likely have a locally hosted blog. For now I'm using blogger as a tool to help me post and manage a blog. I don't see what's so bad about that.

Anonymous said...

Renee, you are a decent writer. If letter to the paper mattered, I would certainly write them more often.

My comments on owning a home were directed at alissa. Her comments about technology were ridiculous.

I guess my whole point really is, that that there is a sense among many in the community that the paper fancies itself "in the know" and yet can't implement professional web technology.

As for one poster who was shocked that a brittany blog would run above the fold, I was actually among a group of in Hammond who also agreed this was terrible. This is not your fault, I am sure.

People in the Tangi region would probably prefer the only major news organiztion address issues that mean something to the community.

As for your entertainment writing, it is fine enough and should remain as part of a more complex blog that offers real hard news and issues. My comment was definantly not intended as a slam against you. I hope you are pursuing other avenues of writing.

One more thing, the reason I am posting anonymously is that the log in here fails to authenticate very often. I have heard other people tell me they ahve the same problem.

Anonymous said...

Renee, you are a decent writer. If letters to the paper mattered, I would certainly write them more often.

My comments on owning a home were directed at alissa. Her comments about technology were ridiculous.

I guess my whole point really is, that that there is a sense among many in the community that the paper fancies itself "in the know" and yet can't implement professional web technology.

As for one poster who was shocked that a brittany blog would run above the fold, I was actually among a group in Hammond who also agreed this was terrible. This is not your fault, I am sure.

People in the Tangi region would probably prefer the only major news organization address issues that mean something to the community.

As for your entertainment writing, it is fine enough and should remain as part of a more complex blog that offers real hard news and issues. My comment was definantly not intended as a slam against you. I hope you are pursuing other avenues of writing.

One more thing, the reason I am posting anonymously is that the log in here fails to authenticate very often. I have heard other people tell me they have the same problem.

Alissa said...

Anonymous ~ Look, I know you're still upset that Bucky got voted off last season. We all were! But get a grip, man!

AI will begin a new season soon enough, and perhaps Bucky will make a surprise appearance. Until then - try not to take your love for Bucky and missing his fine moustache out on Renee, the Daily Star, or even me, okay?

It's gonna be alright - I promise! Hang in there, buddy! Bucky will be back. Here's his MySpace webpage. Maybe you can send him and email or something? Or maybe he will want to be your FRIEND! I hope that helps some.