Thursday, March 22, 2007

Your choice for superintendent

Which of the following five candidates is your choice for school superintendent?

Linda Monteleone Abels
Mark Kolwe
Charles S. Michel, Ph.D.
Carol T. Smith
Elizabeth Duran Swinford, Ed.D.

To learn about the candidates, click here.


Anonymous said...

None of the above

Anonymous said...

Mark Kolwe will make a great superintendent. The school system would not be in the excellent fiscal shape it is in now without his leadership. He sought creative solutions to overwhelming problems--like the fact that Loranger voters, regardless of need, will not approve a millage to build classrooms and facilities for their children. He put many roofs over our students heads by seeking innovative financing opportunities, such as the excess revenue bond program, and is one of the leaders behind rolling back property taxes annually, as our home values rise, making our tax rolls both effective and affordable for the homeowners.

Kolwe has been silent to this point, but his leadership style is a commanding one, bringing respect and efficiency together in an united front. One can only hope that he will do for our test scores what he has done for our financial success. Our children need it.

Anonymous said...

I think Linda Monteleone Abels would be a great superintendent.She has the education background and is highly educated. She is a honest and fair person and really cares about our children.She has devoted many years to help our children. Her heart is in it for the right reasons.

Anonymous said...

What difference does it make-it was decided durng the January board meeting that Mr. Kowle would be selected as the new superintendent. Has this changed? Do WE really have a choice? No. He is the "chosen one."

Anonymous said...

the most qualified educator.a non educator will force the hiring of another level of management,somthing the school board doesn't need.all one has to do is look at the new orleans school system.

Anonymous said...

I would say Elizabeth Swinford but she is not from here so she will probably not be chosen. She has a very impressive list of qualifications.

Anonymous said...

I think Mrs. Linda Abels is the best choice for superintendent of schools. Not only does she have the experience to be an administrator, she has the certification to be a school superintendent.

The problem with many is they refuse to accept the fact the rules are the rules. How can they expect those of us who have followed the rules in becoming certified educators to stomach what is about to happen.

It would be so easy to follow the rules, and bring someone to the table who will bring the parish school system together in creating a better learning enviornment for the children.

Our children deserve the best we can offer them, especially seeing how the world is globalizing and competition is becoming more widespread.

Anonymous said...

The best person should be selected, however, Mark Kolwe should not be ruled out simply because he is not an educator. Mark has served the TPSB loyally and effectively for many years. In his role as finance administrator the books and records have been kept accurately and audits have been clean, matter of fact the TPSB has won several awards for financial presentation. Many education agencies today are hiring non-educators for their top spots - examples - Sean O'Keefe at LSU; Dr. Gates, recent president of Texas A&M who is now U.S. Secretary of Defense; and Mr. Pastorek, La. State Superintendent of Education. Mark has been at the TPSB long enough to understand all phases of its operation, i.e., finance, education, physical facilities, student concerns, etc. In the end, the TPSB may not think Mark is the best of the candidates, but don't rule him out - he is as viable a candidate as anyone.

Anonymous said...

I think Mark Kolwe would make the best superintendent. He knows the system.

Anonymous said...

I am a student at a local high school, I have been to board meetings where Mr. Mark Kolwe has given presentations, and he does a great job. He visits our school on a regular basis, so he does know what is going on in the classrooms and the schools. I think he will make the best superintendent.

Anonymous said...

The best choice for superintendent is Linda Abels. She has varied experience and appropriate credentials. Her experiences in both Tangipahoa and Livingston parishes is a plus. That should be a comfort to school board members who want a person familiar with the system. Her first hand experience as both a teacher and administrator make the choice a no-brainer!

Anonymous said...

The best person should be selected for the job; that includes giving Mark Kolwe serious consideration. Mark has been a loyal and effective employee for the school board for many years. As financial administrator he has kept the books and records accurately allowing the TPSB to have clean audits year after year. Financial reports created by Mark and his staff have won national awards consistently. Many education agencies often hire non-educators to lead them - examples - Sean O'Keefe at LSU; Dr. Gates, president of Texas A&M now Secretary of Defense; and recently hired La. Dept of Education Superintendent, Mr. Pastorek. Mark has been with the school board long enough to understand all phases including finance, academics, physical plant, and student affairs. I think the TPSB would do well to consider Mark Kolwe as its next Superintendent.

Anonymous said...

By credentials and presentation, tonight it was clear that Elizabeth Duran Swinford is who we need in this community.

Anonymous said...

Many people of Tangipahoa Parish feels that Mark Kolwe would not be a good superintendent. Look at how he thinks he is helping with fincanial matters. Our children goes to lunch at school to find ants in their food or the food is very cold. My children don't eat lunch at school any more due to this problem. When that school calls the school board to report this issue, they tell them that its no way that this can be happening, WELL IT IS!! BUT... Mr. Kolwe is saving money by having a central place making all the food and distribute it to all schools, and this is where the problem with cold food and ants comes in. Our children at school suffer. Also, the end of last year, the school board stated in the newspaper that they were going to do a study on all "support personal" in the school board to prove everything is on the up & up with the school board, what happend to this? was it just words to make them look better? Mr. Kolwe over finances of the support personal should have taking care of this by now. The people here would like a follow-up on this issue.

Anonymous said...

It is amazing how the newspapers highlight most of what Kolwe said, but limited the comments of the rest of the candidates. I believe that we have 4 excellent candidates, but the competition is void: Elizabeth Duran Swinford is FAR above the rest. She spoke about servant leadership and collaborating with principals to provide for the individual needs of the schools; she spoke about aligning instructional and fiscal resources to ensure equity in education and that all students have access to the same rigorous curriculum at their school sites; she spoke about professional development for teachers to ensure that they are prepared to encounter cultural differences; she spoke about closing the achievement gaps that currently exists among the subgroups, especially african american, hispanics as compared to the caucasian population. She went into deep comments regarding people and data and to separate the accountability of NCLB and see through the numbers... we will see children! She said MUCH more significant educational items that must be address, not just reciting her resume.

Our self esteem must be very low if we are just settling for Mr. Kolwe because he is a home grown boy, and missing out on the expertise of an educator.

Anonymous said...

SOOOO...... we have to wait until he is Superintendent for him to look into ants in kids lunches?????? WOW! Really proactive guy, huh?!

Anonymous said...

According to what was written about each of the candidates, I would vote for Mark Kolwe. I am concerned about how the children are being fed, though. School lunches have never been the best, but ants and lukewarm food is just not the best way to have any lunch. BUT, having been part of a school system in Fla and recently visiting my grandson in Mandeville for much food is wasted by the kids.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Elizabeth Swinford stood above the other three candidates at the opan forum. She has the leadership skills, the education, the accredidations needed and she is multi-cultural to lead our multi-cultural system.
People who cannot look beyond Mr. Kolwe are forgetting a very important item: he is not certified for the job. Yes, he has done a good job as the financial man...that's why we should keep him where he is. I hope the school board can rise above politics and go for the right candidate: Elizabeth Swinford.

Anonymous said...

Someone said that we need Mr. Kolwe because he knows the system. To my mind, that is exactly the reason we don't need him. We need a breath of fresh air to blow out some of the ancient practices of this board: I say bring in the most qualified person: Dr. Elizabeth Swinford.

Anonymous said...

I really feel as a citizen of Tangipahoa Parish that. Mr. Kolwe is this best qualified candidate. I honestly do not believe that this has anything to do with politics but simply putting what is in the best interest of our children. Dr. Swinford is another qualified candidate with an outgoing personality a people person,however to lead this School System I don't believe she has enough experience, not to lower her standards by far she is well qualified. I think maybe she should consider being groomed for Assistant Superintendant. Not to be the head person in charge just yet. Linda Abels seems to laidback for the position everytime she made her way to the mic to speak she did to much leaning. That's a sign of laziness and being to laid back. call it what you like but we should diffinatly as citizens think about bringing our children and our system to another level. I also want to add that our newest school board members are doing their best to get the job done to say they have only been in office for 3mos. I wish them the best I know the job is stressful dealing with all these crazy pest that purposly attend every meeting to badgger them intentionally for things that should have been handled years ago by some of the other formal members.Give them a Break they are doing their very best at this stage. Thank you Mrs.Rose Dominguez,Mr.Eric Dangerfield,Mrs.Ann Smith,and Mr.Danny Ridgel for being in the system. HATS OFF TO YOU !!! for putting up with the local mess.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth Duran Swinford has been groomed for Assistant Superintendent already, and has passed this mark. She is currently an Associate Superintendent which is a step above Assistant Superintendent. PLEASE, let's give the most qualified person the position... We need fresh blood. She provides a refreshing perspective, and can unite this divided district. Mr. Kolwe's selection with further divide us.

Anonymous said...

Can we consider the best of both worlds...... Co-Superintendents.

Can Mr. Kolwe be the Superintendent for Shools and Dr. Swinford the Superintendent for Instruction? Let's think outside the box, for a change, and consider whay is best for the district, NOT one person. It is clear that we need them BOTH!

Anonymous said...

If you better schools and a person who knows about helping children with special needs please vote for Mrs. linda Abels. She has the experience and the knowledge to get things done. She is not a person to sit back and wait for it to happen. She will do a great job.

Anonymous said...

I will say that EBRPSS does not want to lose Liz Duran Swinford. She is fair and consistent in her decision-making. We respect her and value her work ethics. I work in EBR but I live in Tangipahoa Parish.

Mary Young said...