By now even people in China know about U.S. Sen. David Vitter's (R-La.) admission to doing business with D.C. Madam Deborah Jeane Palfrey.
Vitter's number showed up in Palfrey's phone records, which were posted to the Internet in advance of other possible reports. Palfrey's lawyer said the information had possibly been pirated, and the prostitution-ring leader wanted to offer the truth.
Public corrpution blog says that Hustler magazine and publisher Larry Flynt's investigation into the matter prompted Vitter's confession and apology to the Associated Press.
Meanwhile, CBS news is praising Internet blogs for calling Vitter, a "family values Republican," to task for his "criminal" actions. Mainstream news outlets, they say, are downplaying the story and steering clear of commentary.
Also, BayouBuzz wonders if this newest scandal could have an effect on Bobby Jindal's bid for Louisiana governor. Jindal is in many ways Vitter's protege, the blog says.
And then there's the link between Vitter and Republican presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani. (Vitter is the Giuliani campaign's regional campaign chairman for the South.)
Does a man who once said the issue of gay marriage was more important than any other, have any credibility when it comes to supporting any law that would preserve the "sanctity" of marriage?
Should Vitter suffer any political repercussions for his illegal actions?
Should he resign?
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Thank you, Renee, for offering a platform from which to support the beleaguered Senator Vitter. We should all pray for his personal safety, as his vengeful wife is on record as saying, "“I’m a lot more like Lorena Bobbitt than Hillary,” Wendy Vitter told Newhouse News. “If he does something like that, I’m walking away with one thing, and it’s not alimony, trust me.”"
It's enough to make a grown man shudder.
As to your final question: Should he resign? Of course not. He is a reliable supporter and practitioner of True Conservative Values (like banging high-dollar hookers), and deserves our support in return.
Besides, this little kerfuffle might be just the ticket to divert people from noticing Rep Jindal's involvement in free-lance exorcisms and claims to having done physical battle with Satan. While this is an unremarkable claim for True Beleivers like us, it is the sort of thing that the Islamoliberal media might try to portray as odd, or even as barking mad. Perhaps Sen. V is just taking one for the team?
Tons of good stuff over on Your Right Hand Thief. The allegations that surfaced years ago about Vitter "doing business" with Jeanette Maier, the Canal Street Madam of New Orleans are now being given new credibility.
I want him to resign, but mostly because i loathe his politics and moral hypocrisy. This isn't remotely as important as the federal crime that Scooter Libby was convicted of.
While the Islamoliberals of the mainstream media are rishing to judge the Righteous Sen. Vitter, it is worth noting the many testimonials supporting the decency of this Devout Whore Monger.
Jeanette Maier, who pleaded guilty to running the Canal Street brothel in 2002, offers this:
"He seemed to be one of the nicest men and most honorable men I've ever met," Maier said in the taped interview.
A character reference from a Madam! That's the kind of PR that money can't really buy for less than $300 per hour.
If Sen. Vitter has been forgiven both spiritually and physically, who am I to judge?
However, I can't understand why anyone who has these types of skeletons in his closet would choose to subject his family to this. Didn't he know that things from his past might come up? Now, his wife and children (innocent parties) are facing shame and humiliation.
I suppose some individuals are so greedy for power and fame that they fail to think ahead to who may be hurt in the long run.
I think Sen. Vitter has done an awesome job for the State of Louisiana, but at what price?
Without any sarcasm at all, I must say this whore-mongering, family values-espousing senator we have is clearly a hypocrite and thus cannot be trusted. He can be forgiven but not trusted. Throw him out if he doesn't do it himself. We will see just how much of a gentleman he is.
John Swofford
If Bill Clinton did not have to step down,as President, why should Vitter? Why are the standards different for Democrats as is for Republicans? How convenient for the info to be leaked on both Republicans Vitter and Livingston. Democrats have stepped to an all time low. They must feel that Mr Vitter can beat Hillary Clinton (the one and only wife of a President caught with having an affair with an employee!!!) What if every politician in office had their finances audited and had a full investigation into their personal lives, how would they fair? How can they afford multi million dollar residences, summer homes, private school for their children, nannies, maids, etc on their salaries? Just how much is their salary? There are more important things to worry about than their sex life. That should be between them and their spouse.
To the anonymous commenter,
Vitter insisted Clinton step down for having an adulterous affair. Vitter not only has conducted an adulterous affair (legal,), and solicited the services of prostitutes (illegal,) but has repeatedly introduced legislation dictating the moral conduct of others. The man has demonstrated even less integrity than Clinton, and thus far, refused to act on his on demands on Clinton.
Even though i believe prostitution should probably be legalized, Vitter broke the law. His behavior is not just between him and his spouse.
The Captain agrees with the cleverly named "Anonymous", who rightly lays (exxcuse my French) the blame at the feet of the Adulterer Clinton.
Some of the Islamofascistloving liberals would try to say that the Good Senator had this coming after all his sanctimonious posturing about family values and the primacy of heterosexual marriage in keeping Our Nation free and safe. Others would point to Sen Vitter's overarching concern with where other people put their own genetalia as reason enough to tar and feather a man who paid to have a notman person force him to wear an adult undergarment. It just shows how far we have fallen as a Nation.
I say pish-posh to that America-hating lefty persecution. It is still all Clinton's fault for introducing this libertine permissiveness into our once chaste and virtuous Republic.
This uncalled for persecution of the decent and honorable Vitter gives me yet another reason to nurture my obsessive and irrational hatred of Hitlery and her Sapphic minions of decadence.
It's the Right way to Think.
Oh my. It seems as if this is just "another" attempt to get our minds off of the real issues and on some silly scandal. No, I am not saying that what he did is not serious, but it is all irrelevant to his work as a representative to our state. By the way, what a great job he is doing for our PR here in Louisiana (sarcasm). I just hope that we can stop all the nonsense. Let's face it, no one is perfect and no one is innocent. We all do or have done things which make us "lesser" of a person. We should judge him on his JOB performance and not his SOCIAL life. Well, I just want to say that we focus too much of our time on this s*it and not on the real problems our country faces. Those people in Washington are not stupid. They know the American public loves to see a person get dragged down and ultimately humilated. Look at poor Britney Spears. Yeah, she isn't that great of a singer and has been less than the top notch citizen, but does any human deserve that type of treatment? I don't even like her and still feel we should all just leave her alone - I think WE are to blame for her mental breakdown. We are too judgemental and need to evaluate one's performance based on their performance and not their personal lives. I don't know what my boss does when she gets home or on the weekends, but I know she is awesome and very professional at what she does. I don't think I would care. We are so easily distracted by the "pretty colors" that they (government) are doing whatever while we all are not looking.
god bless.
This is not over yet. There are more prominent figures to be outed, including another senator, according to Larry Flynt in yesterday's Larry King show:
A partial transcript from Larry Flynt's interview on Larry King Live:
KING: And were most of the clients in Washington?
PALFREY: They were all in Washington and some in Baltimore, the Washington, D.C./Baltimore Corridor and surrounding areas.
KING: Larry, without naming them, because we stand under legal protection here, are others coming?
FLYNT: Oh, yes. We've gotten 10 times more leads from the recent ad in "The Post" than we got during the Clinton impeachment. Unbelievable. We've got...
KING: Ten times more leads?
KING: Does that mean you have phone numbers that you're following up?
FLYNT: Not just phone numbers.
KING: Names?
FLYNT: We've got good leads. We've got over 300 initially. And they're down to about 30 now which is solid.
KING: When are you going to print?
FLYNT: Well, the last thing now is we don't know if we want to let it to drip, drip, drip or we want to go with everything at once.
KING: You mean you might release 30 names at once?
FLYNT: A good possibility.
KING: Will we be -- I don't want to get into names yet. Will we be shocked?
KING: Were you shocked?
FLYNT: I was shocked, especially at one senator but...
KING: One senator especially? FLYNT: Yes.
Just another dumb Louisiana politician. He should be ashamed of himself.
Yes he and every other Republican needs to resign.
I have read all these comments of hypocrisy and such.
How many people out there have done some kind of drug no matter how harmless you thought it to be? Simple fact of the matter is we all have things we dont think we should do but for some reason it happens anyway. Granted they might not be as big as prostitution, but even snapping at a loved one is something you know you shouldn't do. Its wrong, you know it, but happens anyway doesn't it. As parents we have done or are still doing things that we would not and do not allow our kids to do but because we are adults we feel we can handle our own lives. And we should look after our children and help them make the right decisions but its still being hypocritical.
Look at his politics, thats what he is there for, not because he is poster child of morality. Has he done good for Louisiana? Thats all that needs to be asked really.
The Captain wishes to support the previous poster who urges us all to let Sen Vitter's alleged escapades be bygones.
After all, who among us has not driven while a bit tipsy, accidentally taken an illicit drug, paid a woman to dress us in diapers, or offered money to have a well-oiled muscle man spank us with his mighty spatula of redemption. As the Lord instructs, let those without sin cast the first stone.
I feel this is an especially important issue. My concern with this persecution of Sen Vitter's approach to relieving his normal manly urges is mainly due to my obsession that the Righteous Rep Jindal become our duly elected next governor. Given that Sen V and Rep J are tight as ticks, it is prudent to wonder whether Vitter might have introduced young Bobby to his diaper wielding Sirens.
As the great Reagan speechwriter Peggy Noonan instructs: "Is it irresponsible to speculate? No. It is irresponsible not to." Wise words from the woman who put so many wise words into the mouth of St Ronald.
The Captain says it is unfair to impugn Rep Jindal over a few minor indecretions such as the diaper episodes of his friend the Senator. I just wish the liberal media would back off.
The Captain again offers thanks to Renee for providing this forum to defend and support the Godly Sen Vitter. The recent polls showing the diapered Senator receiving a 66% approval rating from the voters of our State proves that we are a forward thinking electorate that has the representation we so richly deserve.
But Renee, the Captain begs that you move on to other more pressing concerns. It is, after all, at least six weeks since you last bothered to post to this blog. This level of output is a tad skimpy, wouldn't you say? Time to move forward!
In keeping with the theme of our Well Earned Leaders, could we broach a discussion of Rep Jindal's history of writing about non-Catholics as sub-species mental defectives? I am sure my fellow Papists will be proud to robustly embrace Mr Jindal's remarks. And such a forum would provide our misguided non-Catholic bretheren a place to defend their Fallen Beliefs.
Please, Renee, do not ignore the Captain. He is no crank. He is a Patriotic Conservative. He also writes more for your blog than you do. Perhaps there is an opening at your publication?
The blog is updated when I write a blog column or when the editor or readers offer plausible suggestions for topics.
Well explained, Renee. The Captain appreciates your response.
In keeping with that spirit, perhaps Renee would like to start a topic comparing the pecadillos of Idaho's Sen Craig with the trivial misdeeds of our own Sen Vitter. Indeed, this situation provides an almost laboratory-like specimen of parallel perversions. Two Senators from solidly Conservative states, caught with their pants down. What are the odds? (Some wise acres would say "higher than you think!", but lets ignore these voices for now, eh?)
The national GOP has seen fit to allow our Sen Vitter to continue on his merry way while stripping the bathroom sex-loving Sen Craig to political purgatory. Further, recent polls in our state show Vitter receiving a 70% approval rating (rivaling the Clenis during his impeachment!), while Idahoans are turning against Sen Craig like piranas. Why?
Your blog post on this matter would offer Decent Conservatives a place to demostrate why excusing illegal and rather odd hetero-sex while simultaneously condemning an overture for man-on-man sex is a just and righteous plan. At the same time, the America-hating bedwetter liberals can caterwaul about hypocrisy and the tattering of the Family Values(TM) brand, that sort of rot.
This would also boost your per month posting average considerably. It would be a win-win for everyone. (except, of course, for the freedom hating liberals, who are always losers)
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