Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Election issues.

What are some of the most important issues candidates need to address in the Sept. 30 election?

(There will be races for Hammond mayor, city council seats and Tangipahoa School Board in addition to races in Kentwood and Tickfaw.)

Lot requirements, recreation and traffic are just three hot issues. Are there more?


Anonymous said...

The new city leadership will have to address budgetary issues next year when sales taxes will be on a much slower increase. How will they continue to fund increased salaries, continue progresive recreation capital projects and other planned capital projects in the city's 5 year capital project plan. Walmart in Amite will decreae sales tax collections for Hammond and the mall will have to be closed for rebuilding, hopefully, which will take more than a year. If revenues do fall what will be cut? Projects? Jobs? Wages?

The current administration and council's legacy have benefitted from good times. How long will those good times last?

The Phantom

Anonymous said...

The new city leadership needs to be open for improvement. The city has such a great chance to bring busniess in that it didn't have before and we need leadership who will adopt those changes.

Anonymous said...

Clearly the current administration has done a stellar job in managing growth, attracting businesses, and increasing revenues. Certainly the Katrina tragedy proved that the administration was up to sudden change.

No city can predict what its exact sales tax collections or growth will be. But the current administration has proven its capabilities on all fronts.