Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Local's tirade parodied on

Digital video sharing Web site’s slogan is “Broadcast Yourself.”

For many users that means acting goofy and then uploading the video for millions of online viewers to see. That includes parodies of perhaps the most famous contestant on FOX reality show “Trading Spouses,” Ponchatoula’s Marguerite Perrin.

If you don’t know (or remember), Perrin is a self-proclaimed “God Warrior” who was made to live with a family in Massachusetts which was into new age religion. Suffice it to say, Perrin had what the show called “a meltdown of Biblical proportions” upon her Ponchatoula homecoming, yelling and telling everyone who doesn’t believe in Jesus Christ to “get outta (her) house!”

Those words are the title of a short video clip by kallen28, which shows a brunette young woman doing her best Perrin impression — lungs, angst and all.

There’s a similar video from film432 (this time it takes aim at they way Perrin ripped up the “Trading Spouses” prize money).

I counted at least six parodies, but OmenBoy4’s takes the cake. His “Dark Sided Beginnings” is a strange mix of “Star Wars” and “The Omen” with shaky camera work, atmospheric shots and a creepy vibe. The filmmakers say it is their tribute to Perrin. This would have been extremely effective if it hadn’t been put together by 13-year-olds, who also star in the film.

But it comes off as hilarious, which is, of course, the next best thing.

And Perrin’s foray on the Internet doesn’t stop there. In my relentless search for Internet weirdness, I stumbled onto

In an apparent effort to stretch her 15 minutes of fame, Perrin has turned to lampooning even herself. She’s selling downloads and CDs of a single called “Marguerite (Why Can’t You Be Sweet),” which is a pseudo rap song. The rapper sings, “Marguerite, Marguerite, why can’t you be sweet with that gap in your teeth” over clips of Perrin screaming such gems as, “I want my God, my family and a bucket of fried chicken.”

The single’s cover is framed by Perrin’s mouth, the body part that helped her make a name for herself. There are links to clips of her appearances on “The Tonight Show” with Jay Leno and even a link to a parody.

In some of the most bizarre pictures I’ve ever seen, Perrin poses with celebrities such as “Hercules’” Kevin Sorbo and VH1 reality show regulars Flavor Flav, Christopher Knight and Adrianne Curry. And if you look closely enough through her photo album from the 2005 Billboard Music Awards, you’ll find gossip blogger Perez Hilton in the background.

Unfortunately, Perrin’s site has a bulletin board and commenting features. This gives many malicious people a chance to voice their negative opinion of Perrin, putting her in an almost constant state of having to defend herself. And apparently the site had been attacked and replaced with pornography at some point in the past.

While it’s good that she’s learned to laugh at herself, the site makes Perrin seem almost like a cartoon character.

The site is touted as the “Official God Warrior” Web site, so maybe she’s a superhero.

A bobblehead doll of Perrin sold on eBay for $870, which was bought by Leno and presented during her appearance on “The Tonight Show.” She’s already got an action figure.

Here’s an idea for a great YouTube clip – Marguerite Perrin running around Ponchatoula in a God Warrior superhero costume, fighting crime and stopping criminals with her Banshee-like shreik. It could almost be Oscar-worthy with a $50,000 budget (that’s the amount of money the Perrin family received from “Trading Spouses.”)

Only on the Internet.


Alissa said...

God love this woman Marguerite Perrin! People may say what they will about Perrins lifestyle for "Trading Spouses", but to me? She said some of the bravest words ever put to television:

"I want mah God and I want mah family!"

How many people do we know who can say the same out loud? And in public? Especially when the mere mention of God, or Christmas, or prayer is enough to land one in a lawsuit by press-seeking lawyers and plaintiffs with waaaaay too much time on their hands?

Marguerite - you go girl!

Anonymous said...

As a Hammond native now living in Boston, MA, it is interesting to hear what people say when they find out how close I lived to Marguerite. They always ask "Is that how everyone acts?" or "Why don't you talk like her?". Although I also believe in God, as well as in a relationship with Jesus (that is for another discussion), I am dissapointed in how her strange behavior is thought as the standard not only for Louisianians, but also Christians. I am both and I do not act like her.

Alissa said...

Hello Anonymous!

If your friends really do take a reality show and automatically assume that is how all southerners are, then in all due respect, they should get out more :-).

I understand how you feel though. I have made friends and acquanitances from around the world in the Navy, and their first remarks about America is thinking we are ALL like Hollywood. Nope - nothing could be further from the truth, thank God.

Really, remind them not to watch so much television, and get out in the real world from time to time. It's much more enjoyable that way :-). Nothing is wrong with televison and movies for entertainment. But taking them seriously? That's a whole other ball game.

Anonymous said...

She's not even like the character she portrayed on that show. She's absolutely nothing like that in real life.