Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Another roundup – Brad Pitt; Mute Math; Is it really 'Idol' time again?

Money ‘Pitt’ — Brad Pitt showed up in New Orleans last week. Usually this means he’s pushing some pie-in-the-sky do-gooder scheme, like “green building.” (I’m still not sure what that was all about.)

But this time Pitt was actually doing good — he was filming a movie called “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,” which is coincidentally the biggest-budget film ever to be shot in the Crescent City.

I agree with my readers about celebrities like Pitt and Sean Penn “acting” like they’re humanitarians when they’re really out to get publicity. But I’ll give him more credit for his chosen career. I hope he makes tons of movies in Louisiana. The more movie industry business New Orleans gets, the better. That boost to the economy will help local people more than any eco-friendly house ever could.

And Brad, I hope you didn’t forget to tip well at those nightspots you were spotted at. Oh, and throw in some of Angie’s money, too.

Look for “Benjamin Button” in 2008.

‘Muted’ mayhem – Now that I’ve gotten some great suggestions on local country artists, I’d like to throw a musical suggestion back at you: Mute Math.

The name actually has a deep, spiritual meaning that I won’t get into, but these guys are one of the best bands coming out of southern Louisiana right now. I wasn’t surprised when they popped up on ABC’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live” as the musical guest Friday night. After playing at New Orleans’ Voodoo Music Festival and Tennessee’s Bonaroo Festival earlier this year, they’re on the cusp of mainstream popularity.

Here’s how I describe their sound: Reggae-ish Sting meets electronica meets experimental rock. And they’re one progressive act you don’t have to worry about your kids getting into. They’re actually veterans of the Christian music industry looking to deliver a positive message without sacrificing audience numbers.

Plus, they’re the only band I can think of that can make smashing fluorescent lights in a fit of rock star rage with the neck of a keytar seem hardcore. In fact, they’re the only band I can think of that still uses a keytar.
Check them out: www.

Time’s flying by – I’m not a huge movie-watcher, but over the weekend I rented “American Dreamz,” starring Hugh Grant and Mandy Moore. It’s actually a quite disturbing film. It makes spoofing “American Idol” a satirical high art.

But what’s even more disturbing is the image of Simon Cowell on my television telling me that another season of “American Idol” is coming soon.

Is it really that time again?

But who am I kidding? “American Idol” has become like a season in my family. It’s the one just after Christmas and right before Carnival.

And for you Soul Patrollers: Taylor Hicks’ full-length album comes out on Dec. 12.

The Great Smokeout – Also coming soon: Enforcement of the Louisiana Smoke-Free Air Act. Don’t expect to smoke a cigarette in a restaurant anytime soon, in Louisiana at least.

Southeastern Louisiana University is looking to reinforce its “No Smoking” areas, which were set up in 2003 and largely ignored by a student body that smokes like a bunch of mostly-20-something chimneys.

The courtyard in front of D Vickers is one of the worst offenders as far as second-hand smoke. I’m not too sure how SLU hopes to enforce the areas, especially when second-hand smoke is a moving hazard in most cases (students have mastered walking and smoking at the same time).

The best I can say is good luck to law enforcement in these trying times for tobacco users in this state of excess.


Anonymous said...

I just want to say "bout time" w/the smoking ban...i am allergic to smoke and i hate going to eat and ppl just puffing away,and i have to leave because of it...and places like piggly wiggly letting ppl smoke in there store,shame on them,not just ppl like me have to shop there,but there are defenseless babies and children that have had to inhail that toxic mess...Thank You Louisiana...i just wish more ppl would read up on second hand smoke,and the real damage it does...once again,THANKS!!!

The Blogger! said...

I agree with the smoking ban in public places. I don't think law enforcement will be able to do much enforcing on it but I'm sure they will be called. It's going to be up to the establishments to abide by the law. It's going to be nice not having to run from second hand smoke!

Alissa said...

Renee ---->"Brad Pitt showed up in New Orleans last week. Usually this means he’s pushing some pie-in-the-sky do-gooder scheme ..."

Love that! Since he was in town, I guess he didn't bother to hammer in a few nails for some rebuilding efforts, huh? Figures. I guess his camera crew and P.R. entourage had the day off. Pitt doesn't leave home without them. Or Penn.

And yes - America Idol season is about to commence! I feel so sorry for those poor people who show up at the judges table, and sing about as well as a sea lion with a bad cold. Honest to god, I watch that part of the show each year, and keep the remote handy, because I feel the need to change the channel - possibly lessening the embarrasment for them. I am no crooner in the slightest, but at least I own up to it :-).

Aloha, The Blogger!

The Blogger! said...

This blog seems to be at a stand still. I've learned you have to have a small amount of controversy or people loose interest fast.

Can you believe they voted Jefferson back in...What is going on...I guess Edwards will be our next Gov...LOL

Alissa said...

Hey Renee! Missed your blog this week! Hope all is well for you!

Oh - and The Blogger? For the sake of going "off topic" please allow me to say that I, too, agree that Jefferson's re-election was not only a joke, but a sad reflection on the state of his parish.

But then again - Jefferson is just dust in the wind compared to that freak David Duke repesenting us Louisianians, who met with talks last week trying to convince us the holocaust never happened. What the hell ...?

Jeferson re-elected, David Duke and the Iranian president shmoozing, and Britney without her underpants and babies on her lap while driving. Hhhmmm... wonder what's next for us simple Louisiana country folk, huh?

The Blogger! said...

I saw Duke on the news. What a disgrace! I see why Louisiana is portrayed as such a backwards place. Maybe we should be more outraged. I guess we just get numb to it.

Alissa said...

Oh, believe me blogger, I AM outraged! He is a disgrace now, just as he was in the early 90's when he ran for governer, and even more outrageous how many votes this s.o.b. got when he ran against Edwards. And where is Edwards now? In the pen. Sigh .... shouldn't be any wonder why we are always the laughing stock of the nation. I don't teach my children to be racists, my children are well aware of the holocaust and the massive murder it was against men, women, children and babies. I'm guessing you are the same way Blogger?

But normal, hardworking, decent non-criminal people like us don't make the news - and there are plenty of us out there :-). Nope Blogger - we are the citizens of Louisiana who get lost in the redneck jokes, the severely massacred grammar, and ignorance such as racism that no one in Hollywood would ever, EVER make a movie from. Where's the money in that?

The Blogger! said...

Well said!!!!

Anonymous said...

best site